
term4client™ is used for the management of customer-specific databases of technical terms

term4client™: the online terminology portal

Cross-departmental and cross-border access to company terminology is becoming more and more important for international success. The terminology solution term4Client™ makes this access possible for you!

term4Client™ incorporates multilingual databases of technical terms developed in consultation with you. You can arrange, on request, access to read or even update your client-specific terminology databases on KERN UK Ltd.'s encrypted German servers, avoiding the need to create and host your own terminology databases.

term4Client™ manages concepts and terms in all languages on one platform, making it a powerful and flexible tool. For every term, extensive and user-defined metadata can be added regarding grammar and, for example, for which foreign subsidiary a term was used, as well as definitions, images and the like.

Store terminology in an intelligent and structured way

KERN's online terminology portal offers an innovative solution for companies to improve the quality and consistency of their communication. Sharing corporate terminology between you and KERN ensures that the right choice of words is made in the source text and actively promotes the concept of ‘translation-appropriate writing’. 

KERN's online terminology portal offers an innovative solution for companies to improve the quality and consistency of their communication. Sharing corporate terminology between you and KERN ensures that the right choice of words is made in the source text and actively promotes the concept of ‘translation-appropriate writing’. 
term4client™ contains multilingual specialised terminology specially developed for you and created in close consultation with you. KERN manages your customised terminology databases on highly secure German servers. This gives you convenient access to your technical terms at any time, both for reading up on them and for adding new entries.

KERN offers you a comprehensive service:

  • Creation of the customised terminology database: We create a tailor-made terminology database that is precisely tailored to the specific needs and requirements of your company. We take into account your industry, your products and your corporate culture to ensure that the terminology is a perfect fit for your company.
  • Setting up the online terminology portal on your website: Our experts take care of the seamless integration of the online terminology portal into your website. This gives your employees and partners easy and user-friendly access to the terminology database to ensure the correct use of technical terms.
  • Management of terminology databases: KERN AG takes over the professional management of your customised terminology databases on our highly secure servers. We provide regular updates and maintenance to ensure the currency and quality of your terminology, while you can concentrate on your core business.

Use KERN AG's online terminology portal to ensure consistent and accurate terminology. Contact us today to set up your customised terminology database and improve your corporate communications.

What are the advantages of API access to term4client™?

API access to term4client™ opens up new possibilities for integrating and using your company terminology. While access to term4client™ has traditionally been browser-based, API-based integration allows terminology to be seamlessly integrated into various third-party systems.

Direct integration into third-party systems: API access enables you to integrate company terminology directly into your existing systems, whether it be your own intranet or authoring systems. This ensures consistent use of the terminology across all your applications.


Retrieval of supplementary information: In addition to pure terminology, the API allows you to retrieve additional information such as definitions, sample sentences or grammatical details. This will give you a comprehensive insight into the use and meaning of the technical terms.

No separate user management: With the API access you do not need separate user access and management for term4client™. The API is used for authentication and authorisation, which significantly reduces administrative burden and simplifies the use of the terminology portal.

Use API access to term4client™ to seamlessly integrate your terminology into your workflows and take communications to the next level.

Enquiries & advice

Do you want to learn more about term4client™? Get in touch with us!

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We are happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Phone: 0207 831 5600
Email: kern.london@e-kern.com