Fully automated text translation is already common practice in many areas. For large project orders, the use of machine translations can be particularly helpful. In order to achieve a flawless and contextually relevant result, post-editing is indispensable.
Post-editing is the process of post-editing or revising machine-translated texts by human translators. The machine translation, which is often created with the help of artificial intelligence and neural networks, is initially generated automatically in order to speed up the translation process. However, machine translations are often not perfect and may contain errors, inaccuracies and stylistic inconsistencies that do not correspond exactly to the customer's specifications.
Post-editing is used when the quality of the machine translation needs to be ensured and improved. Our trained employees check the machine-translated text and adapt it to ensure a fluent, grammatically correct and technically accurate translation.
In addition to post-editing, KERN also offers comprehensive proofreading services. Proofreading is essential to ensure that even machine-translated texts are stylistically fluent and accurate in terms of content. This service ensures that your texts are not only correct, but also convincing and target group-orientated.
In addition, proofreading helps to eliminate formal errors such as spelling, grammar and punctuation, thereby ensuring the quality of the end product. Machine-translated texts also benefit from careful proofreading to ensure maximum accuracy. Find out more about editing and proofreading here!
Post-editing is primarily used for translations where precision is of great importance. This applies in particular to texts such as catalogues, product descriptions and instructions, which are generally aimed at end users and at the same time have to withstand the critical eye of certain specialist circles. In such cases, it is essential that the functionality of the product is explained precisely, both in terms of content and language, in order to ensure an error-free and easily understandable overall picture.
The areas of application for post-editing are diverse. In addition to the aforementioned texts for catalogues, product descriptions and instructions, it is also used in scenarios where a large volume of technical documents, emails, customer reviews and other texts need to be translated. Post-editing enables companies to efficiently and cost-effectively provide high-quality translations that guarantee the desired professionalism and comprehensibility for their international target group.
KERN offers a wide range of post-editing services to ensure that machine-translated texts achieve the desired quality. Our specialised and systemically trained translators ensure that the machine translation is trained with previous translations and existing specialist terminology to guarantee high quality.
Post-editing plays a crucial role in adding creativity and originality to the machine text product. Our experienced linguists adapt the machine-translated texts to optimise their content and language and to meet the specific requirements of the target group.
The type of post-editing revisions depends on the purpose of the translation. For texts aimed at end consumers, for example, we place particular emphasis on fluent and easy-to-understand language, while precise specialised terminology is essential for technical documentation.
Thanks to machine translation and post-editing, companies can save time and money compared to the traditional translation process. Machine pre-editing enables the efficient translation of large volumes of text, while post-editing ensures that the final translations achieve the desired quality.
With KERN, you can rely on a professional service. We offer customised solutions and are happy to prepare a personalised quote that meets your requirements and budget. Please contact us if you have any questions or require further information on our post-editing services. Our experienced project managers will provide you with advice and support to help you successfully realise your international communication goals.
KERN Global Language Services is certified in accordance with ISO 18587:2017 in the area of machine translation and post-editing. This is a certification by TÜV Hesse that we provide high-quality services in the field of machine translation and post-editing. With the wide range of machine translation systems available, we thus offer our clients an independent proof of quality, providing them with a means of comparison and the certainty that the machine translation and post-editing conform to a verifiable standard.
The norm defines important factors, including the individual work steps, the tasks, competencies and qualifications of the post-editor. The post-editors are responsible for optimising the machine translated texts, for example by utilising their expertise. Our machine-translated texts are post-edited according to clearly defined quality standards. The post-editing process is normally carried out via a translation memory system. Customer-specific terminology requirements can be integrated as usual.
Provision of high-quality global language services in the area of machine translation and in post-editing.
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You have additional questions on our post-editing or would like more information? Please feel free to contact us! You can reach us by phone, e-mail or using the contact form below.
We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Phone: 0207 831 5600
Email: kern.london@e-kern.com
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