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Infosheet KERN Group

The KERN Group is an international provider of language services. These include translation and interpreting in all global languages, terminology and translation memory management, transcription, proofreading, adaptation and copywriting, technical writing, localisation of software and websites, dubbing and subtitling as well as multilingual desktop publishing including the creation of foreign-language printing products. What’s more, the KERN Group carries out language training for specialists and managers, customer-specific seminars, workshops and coaching as well as intercultural its language centres and in companies throughout the country.

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RSI VoiceApp™ – innovative on-demand interpreting

KERN offers a secure and EU-based video conference platform with an integrated remote simultaneous interpretation solution (RSI) for every event with up to 75 active participants.

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Creating client specific processes

KERN's translation team optimises your entire translation workflow with individual translation processes. You can download our info sheet "Developing customer-specific processes" here. 

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Supplier management

Do you have domain-specific texts that need to be translated by a specialist translator? Then you are in the right place at KERN! In coordination with your KERN project manager, the KERN supplier management team finds and selects the correct specialist translators as per your project requirements. 

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portal4client™ – the platform for efficient translation management

Especially with large translation volumes, the use of an encrypted server-based online platform with connection to a TM for managing your project offers faster availability of multilingual information.

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Search engine optimized (SEO) translations

More than 50% of online purchasers only buy from websites in their country’s language! The more valuable a product or service is, the higher is the need to receive information in one’s own language in this context. But anyone wanting to sell products and services on foreign markets needs more than just a multilingual website; rather the product or company description must be locatable in all languages by search engines such as Google, Baidu, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo or other regional providers.

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Foreign language services for logistics and transport

Whether in automotive or food logistics, in the spare parts service or branch logistics: The complex and cross-border requirements of logistical processes can often only be met through effective foreign language communication. This is because, alongside conventional packaging services and transportation by road, rail, air or sea, complex supply chain processes are also increasingly planned, carried out and monitored on an international level. KERN Global Language Services has been supporting businesses in the field of logistics and transport for over 50 years now with handling the challenges posed by increasingly strong international networking in the sector.

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Infosheet energy sector

The complex international requirements relating to energy generation and supply, as well as the political, economic, financial and technical prerequisites, are often only met through effective foreign-language communication. For further information, you can download our info sheet on this topic.

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Infosheet aerospace industry

We offer comprehensive technical translations for the complex aerospace industry. You can download our info sheet here.

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Infosheet mechanical engineering

The growing demand for engineering products globally brings new challenges to the linguistic area as well. Download our info sheet on the subject of foreign language services for the field of engineering here.

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Directives and norms in engineering and plant construction

Manufacturer directives such as MD 2006/42/EC, LVD 2014/35/EU or the EMC Directive 2014/30/ EU regulate the free movement of goods within the European Economic Area. KERN Global Language Services supports a number of different companies in the area of engineering, plant and device construction in the linguistic implementation of the EU Machinery Directive.

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Infosheet energy and power plant

We offer complex foreign language services in the area of energy and power plant technology. You can download our info sheet on this here.

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Foreign language services in the medical and pharmaceutical sector

Sales of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment are generally not limited to the domestic market. Translations of the highest quality are needed for all countries in which the products will be sold. Numerous leading manufacturers of medical equipment and products as well as well-known pharmaceutical companies have been trusting KERN's medical and pharmaceutical translations for over 50 years.

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Foreign language services in the public sector

In order to be able to meet the needs of a multicultural population, information and forms from ministries and public authorities must be offered and administrated in a wide range of languages.

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Foreign language services in the legal sector

For more than forty years, KERN Global Language Services has been supporting courts, authorities, lawyers, legal departments, notaries and tax consultants in all questions concerning foreign language communication. KERN offers extensive experience in translating specialist legal texts, irrespective of their volume or domain.

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Foreign language services in the manufacturing industry

To market products internationally in a successful manner, the manufacturing industry requires reliable translations - the number of languages in which these are required is growing and the translations must be adapted to the local markets. KERN Global Language Services has been supporting this sector for over 45 years with its comprehensive service portfolio and it knows the requirements of production, procedures and target markets in the manufacturing industry.

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