• Machine translation

    Machine translation

    MT4client ™: KERN Global Language Services's machine translation solution.

The machine translation solution from KERN Global Language Services– MT4client™

Why use a public machine translation platform, when you could be using a tailor-made neural solution from KERN Global Language Services?

The machine translation solution MT4client™ from KERN Global Language Services is based on the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) as well as rule-based, statistical and neural approaches. The machine translation system (MTS) is tailored to the individual needs of our customers, which enables much better results to be achieved than with the usual translation tools that are freely available online. Trainable engines don’t simply substitute terminology, but rather consider the subject and customer specific requirements and language style.

An overview of KERN Global Language Services 's machine services

KERN Global Language Services offers you various services as part of the machine translation solution MT4client™. Let us advise you on the best option for optimally integrating machine translation software into your translation processes.

Using the MT solution purely automatically

MT4client™ enables the rapid creation of high-quality translations. This process can be individualized through the use of further language resources (e.g. termbases). Since the system is based on neural networks, these can be trained with a range of implicit rules to precisely meet individual requirements. We optimize the MT system at regular intervals and take up the latest developments in the field of MT. Furthermore, the MT system is adjusted for specific industries and text forms by our KI experts (known as specialized MT)

Integration of human translators into the process

The quality and effectiveness of machine-translated texts can be further optimized through post-editing. A human translator with the relevant subject area expertise is responsible for this. Machine translation is seamlessly integrated into the translators’ work environment, so that they can concentrate on the essentials: optimizing their texts in the foreign language.

Note: With the use of MT4client™, we can guarantee absolutely secure handling of your data, which is not made available to third parties at any time. The machine translation solution operates in our own data centre at KERN Global Language Services in Germany.

Is machine translation the right solution?

In the era of Google Translate, everyone is familiar with the term "machine translations". But when does the use of machine translation make sense?

Fully automatic translation of texts is already practiced in a wide variety of areas – for example in social networking, to provide support texts on the web or to accelerate internal corporate communication: for short-lived texts such as e-mails, for example, where a timely reaction is important, the use of machine translations can be sufficient. In such cases, simply conveying the meaning is enough. Grammatical and orthographical correctness play only a minor role.

Catalogues, product descriptions and instruction manuals, on the other hand, are generally aimed at end users, and their contents must therefore be linguistically precise, explain the functionality of the product and withstand the critical eye of particular professional circles. Such texts therefore require a high-quality translation which is correct in terms of both language and content. This is ensured via machine translation and intensive post-editing (MTPE).

For which texts is MT particularly suitable?

Customers can benefit in particular from our MT solution in the case of short-lived texts

such as social media posts and email correspondence, when gathering information

or where chatbots are used. It delivers fast and cost-effective results!

What challenges need to be addressed?

Machine translation systems ideally have to be trained with previous translations and existing specialized terminology to ensure their quality. This requires service providers that are experienced in the relevant field and systematically trained. The machine text product cannot compete with a human translation in terms of creativity and originality. These aspects are worked into the translation later during post editing. Therefore, the modifications which take place during the post-editing process depend on the intended use of the translation. Thanks to machine translation and post-editing, time and costs can be saved in the long term compared to the traditional translation process. 

Tailor-made support and advice

In order to ensure process orientation and quality of language, it is advisable to use a professional machine translation system. Using services freely available on the Internet should be frowned upon, particularly with regard to data security. Furthermore, professional MT systems allow a seamless integration into existing translation processes thanks to interfaces with translation memory systems. This means that the advantages of both TM and MT systems can be fully exploited. For a successful integration of MT into company-specific translation processes, a precise analysis of requirements and extensive preparations are indispensable. As a manufacturer-independent language service provider, KERN Global Language Services can support you when asking whether machine translation represents a suitable expansion of your individual translation management procedures, taking into account the documents to be translated. KERN Global Language Services can also support you in the area of post-editing.

Quality assurance

We want to offer our customers transparency and a reliable standard of quality,

including in the area of PEMT (post-editing machine translation), and therefore

work under the DIN ISO 18587 standard when it comes to machine translation and

post-editing. Requirements in the area of machine-created translations and post-editing are laid out in this standard. Important factors dealt with here include the individual work steps, the tasks, competencies and qualifications of the post-editor.

Artificial intelligence

Through the teaching of various rules, individual requirements can be taken into consideration and implemented.


Secure handling of your data, which is not made available to third parties at any time.


Newest generation of MT systems delivers quality translations. Quality guaranteed by post-editing of machine translated texts.


Connection to our portal solution portal4client™, meaning that (cost-) efficient translation management is guaranteed.

Subject and customer-specific MT engines

We are constantly expanding our neural machine translation solution MT4client™ with specialized subject-specific and customer-specific MT engines. With the help of proprietary language data corpora as well as intelligent data filters, the KI experts can optimize KERN Global Language Services’s neural

networks for the translation of specific text types.

With subject-specific MT, you are placing multilingual technical communication on a modern and powerful technological basis. This allows you to translate complex, industry-specific texts into the required languages with consistency and the appropriate style, as well as with terminological and technical accuracy.

We offer a choice of neural engines in various language combinations for numerous industries and areas of expertise:

  • Agricultural economics
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Finance
  • Business
  • Tourism
  • IT
  • Legal
  • Life sciences
  • Medicine

In this image, you can see a comparison between the different MTs regarding their accuracy (true representation of content), fluency (grammatical and linguistic soundness) and style (correct language register, appropriate tone).


  • e.g. for general texts or where there is high tolerance for errors
  • Large number of language combinations

Additional resources

  • TMs or glossaries for even more accuracy
  • Good for product names, addresses, customer-specific terms

Specialized MT

  • Directly available for translation
  • In the areas of finance, IT and hardware, among others
  • For frequently demanded languages

KERN Custom MT

  • Based on customer-specific data
  • Can be enhanced by data from KERN if required

When does it make sense to use customer-specific MT (Custom MT)?

If you already have substantial translation datasets, and have a particular need for translations of a specific text form or domain, specialized MTs are a good option. They are also advantageous with narrowly defined text types and areas of expertise.

The advantages of Custom MTs

  • The highest quality standard of machine translation
  • Can be individually fine-tuned
  • Can be enhanced with data from KERN if required
  • Customers can benefit from this for years
  • Constant optimization of the engines
  • Coverage of various sectors
  • Comprehensive analysis of text characteristics by experts and optimization of the engine based on these characteristics

Enquiries & advice

Have we sparked your interest and would you like to know more about the possible use of MT4client™? Then get in touch with us!

Your request or contact us directly

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We are happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Phone: 212-953-2070
Email: kern.ny@e-kern.com