KERN AG is once again ranked among the 5 biggest language service providers in Western Europe

The current study “The Language Service Market: 2014” by the market research company Common Sense Advisory has shown that KERN AG is also this year the fifth biggest language service provider in Western Europe. Among the translation service providers in Germany, the family-owned company, with its head office in Frankfurt am Main, is in fact in first place according to the study.

During the study, Common Sense Advisory compared more than 1,000 language service providers in terms of their reported turnover figures in 2013. KERN AG’s stable market position is owed to a sales increase of 5.18 million US dollars compared to the previous year.

The worldwide language service provider market boasts a yearly growth rate of 7.4% according to the Common Sense Advisory study. Moreover, the combined turnover for the sector in 2014 is estimated at 39 billion US dollars.